Lance Gooden Mocks the TEA Party

Texas Conservative Digest 2016 Endorsements

At a recent candidate forum in Kaufman, Texas State Representative Lance Gooden openly mocked the TEA Party.

Lance Gooden
Lance Gooden

His disdain for the Tea Party is apparent. As a former educator for near 30 years, I took offense to his comments. We as educators know about the waste. We are also conscience of the dollars we spend. We could do much better job of budget control without government strings. ~ Ray Myers – Kaufman TEA Party

The Kaufman County Tea Party fully supports teachers and education. We believe that the trouble with education includes too many administrative positions. Discipline is weak. Reading, writing, math, history, patriotism, & science are being replaced with leftist indoctrination. Respecting authority & the rights of others are all too rare. The curriculum is watered down & our children aren’t learning what they need to succeed. The Tea Party wants public education in Texas to be the best in the world, but these problems cannot be fixed by throwing money at them.

Politicians like Lance Gooden have no interest in improving education. His interest lies in the advancement of his career. He has promised teachers more money in an effort to buy their support. That is what you see happening in this video. Clearly, the audience wasn’t having it. Is it any wonder Gooden won’t participate in a formal debate with Dr. Spitzer?

Provided by Ray Myers of the Kaufman TEA Party